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Thursday, October 01, 2009

MetrO is 10 years old!

MetrO for iPhone (iTunes)On October 1st, 1999, MetrO was widely released for the first time, on Palmgear.

At the time, it included a handful of cities and it was available for the few Palm devices that were on the market.

The features and user interface were also rather simple, as you can see from this old screen shot:
MetrO Screenshot 1999
Let's now prepare for the next 10 years!


  1. Congratulations! I've been using it since 1999 - fantastic app.

  2. Anonymous13:29

    The date on PalmGear says it was submitted on the 1st of November, though! ;-)

  3. Congratulations! I used Metro on my Palm for many years and I'm now enjoying it very much on my iPhone. I think it's still the greatest transit app out there.

    thanks for all the work maintaining it over all these years!

    p.s. did you notice? Metro got a nice writeup on this photographers/travel blog:

    Flying With Fish - iPhone App of the Week:Metro


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